Cutting Edge: The Questions Within (SB203)

Code: 9781616517601

Author: Teresa Schaeffer
ISBN: 9781616517601
Publisher: Saddleback Educational Publishing
Series: Cutting Edge
Category: Fiction (Hi-Lo)
Themes: Acceptance, Self-esteem, sexuality
Reading Level: Grade 4
Page count: 143





Constance is not like the other girls. She prefers comfort and function over fashion. Even as a young girl, Constance has known that she's different. Her high school days are a journey through loneliness, shame, and anger, because she does not understand who she is and she feels different, and in her mind, different is bad.  She cannot connect with her straight-laced mother or many kids at school. Two people bcome instrumental in changing her attitude: her counselor and therapist, Ms Summerfield, and her best friend, Kara.

Series Description

This is a series for young adults who find conventional fiction irrelevant or too hard to read. The series takes an honest and hard-hitting approach to subject matter that many teens will identify with, such as self-abuse, family breakdown, suicide, and sexuality. At 25,000 to 35,000 words, the books are shorter than your average novel, but still look like a trade paperback so that readers feel confident in reading the book in public. The clear, carefully chosen font is slightly larger than normal, and paragraphs are broken with a space.

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