Patterns in Spelling Teacher's Edition 3 (105)

Code: 9780883361054

Author: Tim Brown & Deborah F. Knight
ISBN: 9780883361054
Item#: 105
Publisher: New Readers Press
Published: 1988
Category: Reading and Writing
Series: Patterns in Spelling
Reading Level: 3 & Up

Sample Pages: Patterns in Spelling Teacher's Edition 3




Series Synopsis


Designed for adults reading at a low level who are having trouble with spelling.

Systematic method of learning to spell stresses patterns regularly found in English words
Four-book series begins with the word-family approach to teach basic vowels and consonants, then moves on to more complex blends, sight words, digraphs

Component Materials in this series


Student Workbooks are divided into units increasing in difficulty. Skill-building exercises provide practice in such areas as prefixes and suffixes, contractions, homonyms, capitalization and grammar.

Patterns in Spelling Book 1: Patterns with Short Vowels
Patterns in Spelling Book 2: Patterns with Long Vowels
Patterns in Spelling Book 3: Patterns with Consonant Blends and Digraphs
Patterns in Spelling Book 4: Patterns with Other Vowel Sounds

Teachers' Editions include reduced replicas of student lessons with their answers, lesson plans, and unit tests.


The Diagnostic / Placement Test is a tool to identify students' spelling strengths and weaknesses and to help place them in the appropriate Student Book.

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