Writing for the GED Test - Book 3 (2861)

Code: 9781564208613

ISBN: 9781564208613
Item #: 2861
Publisher: New Readers Press
Published: 2013
Category: GED Preparation
Page Count: 80

Preview: Sample pages of "Writing for the GED Test - Book 3: Extended Response and Short Answers"





Writing for the GED Test is a three-book series that covers the language and writing skills your students need to write high-scoring constructed responses. These easy-to-follow workbooks will help students build skills in analyzing source texts, creating well-organized arguments, citing relevant evidence, and demonstrating command of Standard English conventions.

Book 3 - Extended Responses and Short Answers details the process students will need to use to answer extended responses on the RLA and Social Studies Test and short answers on the Science Test. It reviews the scoring rubrics and tells how to get a good score on written responses.

Students will review and practice a 3-step process for answering extended response items. Graphic organizers and checklists help students to:  

Read and analyze
Plan and write
Check and revise

Students practice writing timed extended responses and evaluating them. They will also practice strategies for responding to science short-answer items, such as summarizing a text passage.

Other books in the series:

Book 1: Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics
Book 2: Reading Comprehension

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